This Ancient Technique of Superbrain Yoga is for all of us who are interested in regenerating our minds and increasing our brain power. 

Master Choa Kok Sui, gifts us with simple technique on increasing brain power. He shows us how Superbrain yoga can provide the “Energy Fuel” that can keep our brain fit and functional.  Superbrain yoga can help counter the common mental effects of aging, memory loss as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Also there is rising epidemic of both children and adults being diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD). These people suffer greatly form this, as it not only causes difficulty in concentrating on academic studies and work, but it also interferes with their interpersonal relationship, impulse control and general level of happiness. In past few decades, there is little help to offer them other than giving medications. Superbrain Yoga helps greatly in such situations. Many researches had been conducted which showed marked improvement in academic and behavioral performances. 
One pilot study conducted in Ceder grove school in 2005 by Dr, Gleen Joseph Mendoza, MD,MPH and Raina Koterba, OTR/L took children ages of 6 and 8 yeas who have a variety of disabilities including neurological defects, autism, seizure disorder, cognitive delay and specific learning disabilities. They did Superbrain yoga for a minimum of five times per week. The result was children are more focused and ready to work. They were displaying less negative behaviors and can follow multi step directions with less verbal cues and guidance and increased social skills. 
Similarly, an experimental study was conducted at East Norristown Middle School of the Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA. Fifty six middle school students experiencing emotional, academic or behavioral problems were used in this study. Superbrain yoga was performed regularly twice a week before tests; the result was increased in the performance scores on the standardized test, improved shift in the academic sections and increased in student participation in and out of the classroom with higher order thinking skills and positive observational differences in the emotional responses of the students. 

Therefore Superbrain yoga can be helpful to not only children but also adult and old age people to keep good memory power and concentration. It will also greatly help in academic performances for students making them more calmer, peaceful and positive behavioral improvement. 
This super spiritual technology can learn in free of cost. For this please contact.